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PolyU and Tongji University organize joint summer course in Shanghai
超级用户 2012-8-30

The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Tongji University jointly organized a two-week summer course in Shanghai for 78 students from both universities from 15 to 28 July 2012.

Themed "Construction for Better Living", the summer course focused on construction and environment from the perspective of a fundamental human desire – "Better Living". Not only did the course show students how they could contribute to "Better Living," it also cultivated their creativity, problem-solving skills and global outlook, exposing them to the concepts of entrepreneurship.

PolyU Deputy President and Provost Professor Philip Chan expressed his sincere thanks to Tongji University for their support at the opening ceremony. He said, "This joint summer course is an enthusiastic initiative of both PolyU and Tongji University. We are delighted that Tongji University has kindly agreed to serve as our strategic partner. With interactive lectures, seminars and visits, this intensive summer course encourages students to take part in group projects that promote team spirit."

The opening ceremony was also attended by Professor Pei Gang, President of Tongji University; Professor Gu Xianglin, Dean of the College of Civil Engineering at Tongji University; Professor Albert Chan, Associate Dean (Partnership) of PolyU FCE, as well as representatives of the supporting colleges of Tongji University. Professor Keith Chan, PolyU Dean of Students, also hosted a tea reception with students on 15 July.

To provide students with a better understanding of the related technologies and knowledge covered in the course, they were given the opportunities to meet with industrial practitioners, and pay a visit to the construction site of Shanghai Center Tower, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, and the Italy and Saudi Arabia Pavilions of Shanghai World Expo. Students also worked in a mini project to put theory into practice.

Speaking at the farewell dinner, Professor Albert Chan said, "The environment and sustainable urban development has become a growing concern and on the top agenda of many major universities over the past decade. In the future, students will have a key role to play in ensuring that the problems posed by urbanization, global warming and technological changes do not threaten our planet. In addition to professional knowledge, we encourage all-round education. The skills students have acquired in this course will also be highly valued by their future employers."

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